Thursday, November 17, 2005


Since Kray tagged me, I have to answer all kinds of shady questions. There are some advantages to this though. For one it makes for an effortless blog. Besides I never really do self-analysis of this kind. I know some very vague things about myself, but if someone was to ask me, whats my favorite movie and who's my favorite actor and such stuff, I'll have a tough time answering.

Anyways so here goes

Seven things I would like to do before I die (not in any order)

1. Own a dog. The type of dog keeps changing from time to time, but its going to be a big, furry dog.

2. Travel through Europe (not one of those organized tours).

3. Get married and have babies. One atleast should be a girl.

4. Fly a plane (I'm figuring out how to drive a car currently).

5. Have something to do with literature apart from reading it, maybe write a book, or just become a publisher, or start a magazine or something.

6. Learn how to swim.

7. Try out something like bungee-jumping/sky-diving, although I'll need somebody to force me to do it.

Seven things I can do

1. Get jokes, am usually quick at that.

2. Understand what people are feeling, am usually fairly perceptive. I might not always hang around to listen to them, but I sympathize.

3. Spend a whole day all by myself (with books and a TV at my disposal) quite contentedly (more than one day get tough).

4. Be a good listener (if and when I feel like it).

5. Be loyal (or rather that I usually am loyal to people and things I like, and not easily swayed).

6. Write long pointless mails to people. This is a newly acquired skill, not too long back the max length of my mails used to vary from 5-10 sentences.

7. Always find time to do the things I want to do. Its possibly because I do fewer things, but I've noticed that I can always create as much free time as I want to.

Seven things I cannot do

.. this should be quite easy

1. Find my way to any place, follow maps, differentiate between left and right.

2. Fake niceness/interest/enjoyment or lie. If I do it, I do it with great difficulty.

3. Make up my mind about anything.

4. Take the initiative in getting to know people.

5. Read Frederick Forsyth.

6. Write neatly.

7. Be patient.

Seven things I say the most (Not in any order)

1. Hmm/Hmph

2. I guess

3. Thank You

4. Cool/Nice

5. Anyways

6. Basically

7. Yeah

Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex. (Not in any order)

1. Bright eyes.

2. Short thick hair.

3. Smile or rather the grin.

4. Idealism.

5. Genuine-ness (is that a word?).

6. Attentiveness, when shown towards me.

7. Intelligence, sense of humor.

Seven celebrity crushes (not necessarily current crushes and again in no order)

1. Sachin Tendulkar (of the days past).

2. Rahul Dravid for his idealism.

3. Tom Hanks for the charm and magnetism.

4. George Clooney for the smile (and the hands).

5. Hugh Grant for the accent and the sense of humor.

6. Amir Khan (when I was growing up).

7. Rupert Everett for the voice.

Hm, after the first 2 questions, it was relatively peaceful, and not as bad as I expected. Kray was right, I am extremely lukkha.
I'll tag Histrionix next. Have fun (muhahahaha!)


Anonymous said...

Interesting read...Miss you people lots!

Akshi said...

Yeah, but I think I use that most while talking to you only :P. I could actually think of a lot more words/phrases I use very often, but it said seven.

Anonymous said...

ok, now please explain 'tagged' funda. Do i just have to answer those questions?

Akshi said...

Yeah and tag somebody else next possibly. Atleast thats the funda as I understand it.

kray said...

Nice read :) And you cribbed so much!!

Anonymous said...

I see you're scruplously avoiding writing long pointless mails to me!


Akshi said...

Thats because you have issues with people keeping in excessive touch once they've left for foreign lands :P.

Anonymous said...

Long time no post! or do you want to be tagged about a book tag?

Akshi said...

Haan, couldn't come up with anything neutral enough to post. Yeah book tag sounds interesting. I just went and bought a couple of books. Will post something later today.