Thursday, August 11, 2005

Nothing much to say

Sad that all the blogs I was used to checking on a regular basis are no longer being updated. For that matter I had pretty much forgotten abt my blog itself last few days. Firstly I was away for the weekend for a white water rafting trip (it turned out to be mostly some peaceful boating in a placid river, I didn't even fall off the raft, yay!!) and then once the week started I decided to stop slacking off and do some work.

Anyways if you sit in front of a comp all day long, you have to find ways to entertain yourself. I've tried reading e-books but I normally get too pained after a while. My latest fad is reading journal comics archives. Some of them are atually quite well-drawn and funny to read. Nice way to kill some time on the net. An interesting way to blog also this i.e. in the form of a comic. Its a little too much effort though (and time consuming) and ofcourse u need to be able to draw, although that is not necessarily a pre-requsite. I wish someone I know would start a journal comic, it should be fun keeping track of it.


kray said...

:D I beg to differ. But hey, sad to hear that the white water rafting wasnt more exciting!! But I guess you arent complaining :P and yes, it's sad that no one else seems to be updating their blogs...

Akshi said...

Don't beg re, I allow differences of opinion quite generously :P. Ok nevermind, waise differ abt wat, Sketching skills for a comic? Seriously I came across some which didn't seem to've been drawn with any skill although yeah some are quite well-drawn. As for white water rafting, I did get pulled down from the raft a couple of times and screamed my lungs out :D.

Akshi said...

Thanks for checking in :). I haven't come near a comp for a day so have got around to replying only now.
Jane Eyre is alright. It pretty much follows the recipe I mentioned. Hardy tends to be a little depressing. I haven't read Mayor of Casterbridge but have heard its the most depressin of the lot so not in a hurry to read it. Emmma I've read.

Akshi said...

Yeah good point. Tragedies come under heavy reading for me and I take a long time with them and couple them with another book usually. Will keep Mayor Of Casterbridge on list of books to read.
If you like tragic humour try Kurt Vonnegut. I've liked what I've read of him so far. Am reading Hocus Pocus by him currently.

kray said...

:D sorry, hadn't checked for replies on earlier posts.. Well, its good u had some excitement on the rafting trip :) waise I was differing about ppl not updating blogs..I've taken to once a day these days :D seems to b easier blogging from here... at least easier than from Cal, sitting in my room all day!

Akshi said...

Oh ok cool. Yeah I was just saying on your blog that its nice to read your posts everyday. I was asking Vanitha to start a journal comic. She seemed to like the idea, hope she'll get around to it sometime :D.